There's no better way to game, than to game with friends. I remember my friends and I playing the first Halo for days on Xbox. Sadly, however, those days seem to be coming to an end.
Multiplayer games seem to be moving away from the split screen and moving to online game play. All new games, on Xbox 360 or Sony PS3, are being released with a max of two players per console. This means, I have to gather multiple TV's and consoles in order to play with 3 of my friends.And while, we can always play online together, it's not quite the same as hanging out with them in person.
Don't get me wrong. The advancement of these games have come so far so fast, that the consoles can't really support 4 players at a time. I love the new graphics, physics engines, and huge online multiplayer experiance. But at the cost of that personal interaction?
With the local multiplayer match, I get to see my buddies face when I pwn him with the butt of my rifle. And him accusing me of screen cheating. (Excusses... Excusses...)
You would think that game developers would be able to find a happy medium someplace. I mean, do they think gamers don't have friends IRL? I'd gladly give up some of the graphics to be able to see my friends frustration when I lob a grenade at his feet.
I guess I just have to buy another Xbox and a second Gears of War....