Monday, November 7, 2011

Save the Soap!

This may seem like an out of place article for me, but I have this habit of analyzing things around me and attempting to find a way to improve them. Optimize, if you will. I do this all day at work, with computer issues and office policy. I also tend to do the same with things and even people in my life. (I have yet to break the "social interactions of people" code, but I will.) Like most of you out there, I hate wasting money. I'd much rather spend my money on what I want, not on what I deem as waste.
I noticed that the soap always has that little left over piece that always ends up going down the drain, or accumulating in the soap dish, making a mess. Nothing new here, many of you may have already noticed this, and dealt with it in your own way, but here's what I do.

Once the soap gets to be a smaller size, you can "glue" it to a new soap bar. To do this, I've noticed it works better when the old soap piece is still a useable size and not wait until it's a bunch of little chunks.

Fit the two together as closely as possible. Obviously, this works best for curved bars, but play around with it until you find the best fit. Now suds up the two pieces with them in place. (The more suds lathered up, the better.)

This will dry and the two pieces will be glued in place, so you never waste a piece of soap again. Now, there are a few more tactics to this trick. Once you have the two pieces suds up, use your finger to rub the suds on the edge of the smaller piece of soap until it smooth’s against the larger. If your old soap breaks before you get to combine it, or while attempting to combine it, just “glue” these two pieces in the same way.

A little excessive maybe, but then I hate inefficacy and waste. As I said before, many of you may have your own ideas on this. If so, or on any related topics, I’d love to hear them. Please leave your feedback in the comments below.