Saturday, March 10, 2012

The Squad that Plays together...

...stays together
Double Agent 323, Special Agent 1953, and COA of Precinct 120.
I felt something more than just a simple picture with my badge was in order. The Geek Squad was more than just a job for me. It gave me some of my best friends.
I am Sleeper Agent 323. (Left) Looking back, the Geek Squad and Robert Stephens gave me much more than I ever imagined possible. At first it was just a job that some manager at Best Buy offered me. It quickly became a lifestyle. Robert Stephens taught me that there's no reason to settle. Dream it, then make it happen. A state of mind that I try to stay true to, every day of my life.
Bug in bug
The friendships forged from my years with the Geek Squad were very rewarding for me. I recently married @jenpwns, our COA at the time, this last year. (Pictured top right) My best man, Special Agent @rcudia. Literally, "the best man" as he says. (OK, I'll give you this one Ryan. Live on teh interwebs.)

Each of us have excelled since we were all with the Geek Squad. Special Agent Ryan Cudia has moved up the ladder from a simple CIA position into the best Agent Sonoma County has ever seen. His new wedding DJ business has already become the #1 choice in their area. (OK, I don't know the stats, but so what. Hire them. ) Jen and I have our own projects in the pipes as well. With the success of and the soon to be released , as well as other endeavors, we're well on our way to our own form of World Domination!

Could we have reached the same place we are today, without Geek Squad? Perhaps, but then we would not be together. And that is a way of life I would not want to be part of.
Thank you Robert Stephens, for all you have taught us. We will never forget it. And while some may be sad to hear of your departure from Geek Squad, I for one can't wait to see what you do next.