I get client's asking me this question all the time, so I figured I would put my answer online for all to see.
...and maybe even throw a few facts out there. =)
My official answer is, to get what is right for you. What do You need your machine to do for You?- Do you need to game like there's no tomorrow? Then you probably need a PC.
- Do you use Photoshop and do web development? Most podcasts I see, they're on a Mac.
"But there's no viruses on Apple." People who say this, scare me. There are infections for Mac. These are not as prevalent because Mac is only a small percentage of the platforms out there. If Mac was the juggernaut out there, then it would have all the infections.
As you have probably guessed, I use a PC. (No, I did NOT say "I'm a PC." =/ ) I can't justify almost $1k for a refurbished Mac notebook. (And that wouldn't help my Microsoft stock anyway.)