Sunday, April 5, 2009


...and that's all I have to say about that!
Oh wait, it's been 2 years since I've posted to this.
I guess I'm not one to talk about myself. (Online at least.)

OK. So I'm watching Tekzilla...
And the subject of formatting your Windows box comes up. These people that format Windows once a year, know just enough to get themselves into trouble. There is rarely a reason to format your Windows machine. The best thing about Microsoft, is the fact that you can fix ANY issue that arises. My rule of thumb, if you have to format your box, you gave up. (I give up from time to time out of pure laziness.)
I know, I know. There are always exceptions to the rule... I have client's with machines that they use for 2 to 3 apps tops and no local data. When something goes wrong, formatting and installing these apps are often the best solution. (Time is money.)
The fact of the matter is, I find the Apple OS requires it more often. Maybe I just need to try harder and not give up. =)

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